This is a PWAD file that replaces Episode 2 Map 1 in the REGISTERED version of Doom. It is not a very large level but is of fair size (for a level 1). There may be a future version of it in which I will add more if there's any point so please send your comments and suggestions to me. Please be kind, this IS my first wad. There is some cases in which monsters will appear only on certain skill levels, but I did not put very much effort into this part of the wad. I seemed to have some trouble with making switches look the way they are supposed to but you should be able to at least recognize them. I don't care what you do with this WAD as long as you give me credit for creating it. (And I know how desperate you'll all be to include it in `Greatest Hits' packages, :) yeah right). I used Deu 5.0 and BSP 1.0 to create this WAD BTW so thanks to the author of those fine programs and of course, thank you ID! I guess that's about all I have to say about it so try it out and let me know if it sucks. :) BTW: This has nothing to do with litbeta.wad Chris "Lithium" Hopkins